
i thought about the old lake house like a lot of nights. write about it. involve night time scenes. other things. the lake house froze and thawed a lot. the lake house is still there. people sleep in it. probably closed now. maybe not. never was really there during school times. luggage pulley. fire pit. firewood. fishing. skiing. swimming. boardgames. vhs. drawing. painting. songs. balance board. mahoneying. hiking. stream hiking. breaking glass bottles. rusty nails. shaggy dogs. big stacks of pancakes. large soda glasses. lots of ice cream. cookie moosh. first summer listening to 'the dead'. the water pump. the sailboat, surfboards, the leaky boat, the canoe, the renters. snakes. i think i have 8 memorable summers there. lightning hit a tree very close once. camp woodsmoke. minnow brook. crayfish brook. or something. pulpit rock. monster in the second straight. lady of the lake. dead trail maintenance hiker. beaver damn. rock bass.

i don't remember thinking about who was president then. i think clinton was president while i was there. and the one before him. i looked at the map of states obama won. i had a conclusive feeling. i felt like a gelatinous substance evaporated from the top of my hair, like the blue states overlapped the red states and made the shape of obama's face. i don't know. it was such a small feeling. i feel really bad i can't type it exactly. i'm just going to go into how shitty language is. i'm going to say some random memory. i'm going to say i see myself 3 years ago walking out of the door of my summer job. i'm going to say i felt bad during that time. i'm going to say i don't care who's president. i'm going to say i had a good feeling when i looked at the map. the map shows how a lot of people feel in an indirect way.