sometimes when i feel i'm tired and continously fall asleep at work and on the subway,
i get back to my apartment and experience a 'second wind.'
tonight i went to the gym, when i got back to my apartment.
i walked, then ran(3 1/2 blocks), to the gym in shorts and a t-shirt.
i didn't feel cold.

the most people in the gym at any one time was seven. three bros were doing a stations rotation type workout while they had a laptop open, playing an instructional video for reference. one of the guys was a trainer that i see there all the time. one of the seven people was this skinny kid with glasses and thin hair. i felt like it was his first night at the gym, which was weird because it was so late. it was 11:05pm, when i got there. i tried to work out for an hour, but i ran out of shoulders-isolating repetitions. i should have worked a different muscle group besides the shoulders and abdominal muscles, which i also worked a little. the shoulders and abdominal muscles are not really 'connected'. i left at approximately 11:35pm. i feel like i should have worked out longer. i didn't want to just mess around with light weights. at some point i felt like i was making advances by being at the gym that late and therefore i could leave at any point and still be ahead. it's 51 degrees; i just checked.