
every day i drink a snapple my life gets a little easier
i drink a snapple every day

go to old navy and buy a blue button up shirt
and dark blue relaxed fit jeans

go to banana republic and buy a white button up
shirt and a pair of flat front gray khakis with thin white stripes
and a boater's roap belt with blue slip on boat shoes

buy a yellow, collar t-shirt at hollister
and baby blue boxers with red anchors design on it

put the collar t-shirt on then the white, then the blue
button up shirts
put on the boxers, jeans, khakis then the belt and the shoes

go to grays papaya and get cheese fries
and give the cheese fries to a homeless man

idly read the first chapter of the hobbit in Ellis bar in Park Slope, in Brooklyn
then smoke a cigarette outside

go back into Ellis bar and order shot after shot of bourbon
until you 'black-out'

someone from my highschool died in a car accident
i googled him and found his resume
he was studying finance at syracuse
where he was accepted with a lacrosse scholarship
a lot of 'star' lacrosse players from my highschool
went on to study finance and become successful on wall st.
when i think about the behavioral patterns of successful
lacrosse players i think they seem very rational
and implacable, they are like 'hardened soldiers'
who won't say or do things that will make me angry
though what they do talk about won't seem that important
they will laugh at things that don't seem very funny to me
or may be very funny to me
they'll seem detached or dignified and have a worried
expression on their faces that seems healthy or attractive
that makes me feel calm