
drank vodka cranberries in an art gallery today
drank like four or five of them
then i ate mexican food
then i took a shit
then i read like ten pages of Love Always by Ann Beattie which i really like
i was falling asleep for short periods of time while reading
then i drank a snapple
then i sent an email
then i bought another snapple to have in my apartment
then i read 20 pages of Love Always on the F train
which i had to stand up in until it got to brooklyn
but the novel is getting better
i felt like sharing the novel with someone and talking about it with them and how it relates to us as people

i got home and drank like 5oz of vodka(however much is equal to two shots)
and struggled to write poems, wrote like two poems that i think are ok (should i delete that last sentence? maybe)

poems suck big huts

everytime new song comes on i want to type about doing something - in the mood of that song maybe - but then i think i can't stay continually hooked into the writing thing

i like seeing birds on the highway feels like wires / space

earlier this week i dreamed kacey was asleep on a pull out couch with earphones in her ears

my mom pleaded me not to wake her up

at the art show guys were standing looking at the orb thing talking about medication they took

guys in line at the art show for drinks said they started tweeting

other stuff happened

girl coming in doors at work said they were reopening the cyclone

my taco delivery is here

going to eat those tacos