
the blog is back ...was privatized due to some difficulties, maybe technical.

i just briefly searched, internally, for a strategic re-publishing method, but...

i'm in a sea. i'm lost in something sea-sized, everyone. dear god,

so much sugar. a diet of fruit and carbs and sodas and rum.

dustin dollin has stupid rocker hair. that guy's on something sweet.

so, my job prevents visits to blogger dot com by using a computer program called a "filter."

blogger is a 'personal site,' apparently.

it now seems important to deal with my personal issues or something, in a personal way.

remember when i used to be weirder in some ways, better ways, but now i'm weird in a bad way.

i skateboarded for maybe 20 minutes today. like "old times" i still suck.

some people were standing in front of a door near where i was trying tricks.

i could hear a bass guitar, amplified. then a hummer limousine parked at the corner.

i've been reading All the Sad Young Literary Men.

think i'm going to read Soldier's Pay next.

it's windy and cooler now,

guess that means a low/high pressure system now shares its presence.