
hey homies

i was just thinking about skateboarding

dthere's this obsticle at mccarren park and i can't defeat it

up to this point in my life

so it's like this little ramp

and then a flat part
and then there's a step up to the upper portion of the park

which goes for a long ways around the park

until a set of stairs and another straight ramp

so anyway i can never ollie from the ramp onto the flat part

usually i go and try but just ride onto the flap part and do a shitty ollie

onto the platue

was thinking i should ask the bros who skate there for advice

on how to get over my fear of ollying too early

but i always ollie too late and don't bridge the gap

i don't like the people there

no one is cool as a person it seems

am i shutting them out

i don't know if i'm shutting them out or maybe there's actually nicer people enduring a similar struggle to my own

is there a metaphor for this?

have i read the equivalent in a novel? a poem?

do you guys like to lay back in flotation devices? your beds? a couch? an office chair?

just gonna lay back into life, not worry about my job, hwo people view me...

i honestly think i'll be able to talk about more ideas

and be able to reference things outside of myself

party on

just chill

no worries

if i'm more laid back and sleazy

a trough of spicy bean soup

the skate park. think about it, guys. what is that thing?

seems like an animal. seriously feel into metaphors lately but i'm not like a metaphor person. i'm too neurotic.

neurosis just a myth tho.

just trying to picture myself as someone else and what i'd do if i was more of a bitch and wanted to be another person doing different things that were more or less less constructive

than all the great shit i did this summer.