
i really need to go to brazil. the women there have tan skin and good ass and breasts. they just seem more sexual and willing and able to be amused by a white person like me. like if a women like that is here she would definitely not be amused by me because there would be so many people like me. i am italian. after work i am stopping by the library on 23rd to pick up my hold books, then i might nap at home or skateboard under the BQE. then since i don’t have to wake up early tomorrow - i’m setting up live shots for the pre-game of game five of the ALDS - i might go out to a bar and talk to a girl i don’t know already. that would be ideal. i should focus on going to multiple bars without squandering the cash available to me at the time at one bar. i should concentrate on writing more understandable things. what am i writing? are these sentences, thoughts, complaints? is this stream-of-consciousness? what if people stated the obvious more often? what if they always said shit like i’m standing here looking at you. i don’t know. its colder now. jeans are one of the greater things on girls. maybe girls like them on men too. think about all the things in the world going on at once. some creatures must be experiencing pinnacle moments in their lives. people are making minor changes to infrastructure that will magnify into significant events in the future.