Used the entrance up on Payson. Someone was standing on the long stairs rolling a tobacco leaf. Turned left at the first junction on the east ridge and headed south on the narrow path towards the big Horse Chestnut. Two Black-Throated Greens came low down in the young cherry branches. At Whale Back had a Black-and-White, a magnolia and a scraggly looking Wood-Thrush. Three young people took a seat on Whale Back, off the path, and talked politics. I headed for the Overlook. Sat on outcropping above the northbound HH traffic lanes. Hazy and cool with southerly winds. Only gulls, distant Ospreys and low flying Cormorants. Might have seen a Kestrel. Kinglets, maybe (ruby crowned, if so) arrived in Straus Site Pines. Hard to ID kinglets visually. Pretty certain on their whistle calls. Tried to ID warbler high in pines. No luck. Eastern Wood Pee-Wees (4 or 5) in dead tree on west ridge. Around 6:30pm on red trail near Dyckman had a Magnolia come down low along the trail. Looked for Flying Squirrel. Saturating orange color from sunset.