
the organic worm farms self-hate that's why they're stying.

i'm not angry by something. i see it's fine. when i'm in the presence of it i don't see it's fine it becomes a real thing that affects my actions. i internalize things. introvert. extrovert. pooptrovert. you're a poop head.

i'm like a stupid fucking singletree fucking turd people.

the worm farm looks like a fucking toy item with mold seeps in them.
i feel pressure to not express emotions.
in a consumer society this will increase the presence of gratification.
the infrastructure of consumerism creates laziness
and unaccountability.
if you help people in certain situations
profits will increase; i.e. healthy people are better consumers.
being prudent during uncertain times
is tactful.
as soon as i have 2,000 in my savings
account i'm going to invest
in a clothing manufacturer.