
phonin' this in



What Mary posted on the high peaks forum about our day on Saturday:

I am appalled, disgusted, saddened, there are not enough adjectives!

We climbed Cathedral Rock Fire Tower from the ranger school in Wanakena on Saturday;

the last fire tower peak for us. As we were standing in the tower a loud rumble started??? What could that be? we thought maybe a helicopter? No, it was Jeeps driving to the summit!!! Not one or two or even a dozen, but a mile of them!

and they all circled around and parked heading down hill. We came down from the tower as the swarm of people approached, and discovered they were part of a "CLUB" (many had a WWW.CNYJEEP.org logo on the top of the windshield); 64 of them the guy proudly proclaimed

Obviously I looked irritated, the one guy said they had permission to do this as a few of the members we alumni of the ranger school! WTF!!!???

So how can this be allowed on the summit of a hill in the Ranger School of all places?

Doesn't this go against everything you would think of about a Rangers and the environment?

Someone please explain!!!
