
to night train

night train you are better than day train you
you are awesome like night train
the movie with danny glover 
steve zahn and leelee sobieski
people spit in you you are express
usually i'm not sure you are sometimes
only local or quasi express or local
your windows are mirrors
it's sad and quiet in you

you show me the river, the ice chunked
freezing river but 
mostly you are a mirror
to my sadness and my self-pity
i try and write and read in you
but it's easier to play a game
listen to music or tweet and text
there's an empty subway cup in you
i ride backwards in you
your ticket collector is vacant
unshaven and polite in an angry way

the drunk people are gone for a few days
the weekend is over you are only express
so steady no worries of sunshine
inside of you you are taking me 
to the city to my home away from 
home in the hell of the city
the starry landscape shifts
in your windows a half moon
watches you you night train
you are express or local
you are dirty and in the city's 
bowels where time doesn't matter
and it feels like home