

it was dark and it was raining.

a man in shadow emerged

from the back of a little soap shop and lit up

i asked him for the time

he said i have to check my phone

because nobody wears a watch anymore

which doesn't make sense to say

but the time he said

did not force me to act



the roof was big enough for football

and it was depressing how far away

everyone stood from the band


i was really hungry so i ate a lot of barbecue 


it's good that there were so many in this bowl

it was bad that they were nearly all too small to be chips

and more like crumbs


there's a firetruck idling in front of the pizza restaurant that looks closed

but it's actually an ambulance in front of a convenience store


do you think people will care when sting dies?


i drink six abita seasonal beers with great ease last night

they were named harvest with each president in mind

and cost 11 dollars all together at a store called e-z pass

or deli, grocery, candy

or the one that plays music outside sometimes


for years the third drink at empire hunan was free

then the recession happened in 2008

well now the free third drink is full price


my suicide note would be

"where did i wash up?"