
Number 2 Pedophile Detective

 Lunch was delicious today. Three bean vegetarian chili, Spanish rice and grilled broccoli. I submitted a $691 expense report. I overheard one of the older crew members appeal to a manager for an ergonomic chair for a different crew member who recently had knee surgery. These two crew members don’t particularly see eye-to-eye on things, I’ve learned. But what do I know they have a long history there together. My driver on the way home had very fat hands. When I opened the car door, he asked, “What’s the name on the account?” I let him know I was going to Manhattan. He joked, “I don’t go above 96th Street.” Then he said he had a friend on 86th and Broadway who was a leading pedophile detective, number two in the country. I suggested after he dropped me off he could get some coffee with his friend. He asked what my favorite subject was in high school. I didn’t have a real answer. He said he was a Social Studies teacher for 10 years. He was a bad student like me who somehow managed to score a 98 on his regents exam. Could I imagine teaching history in high school with everything that has gone on in this country over the last four years? It’s sick world we live in. I changed and left for the park as soon as I got home. The Cooper’s Hawk was active on Dyckman Street near the pier. I saw it take down a pigeon but the pigeon escaped somehow. A lot of Waxwings flew over, a House Finch foraged in the grass mixed in with the House Sparrows. A Bald Eagle flew over. I walked around the North Point and up over the ridge to the Overlook Meadow. A couple of Chickadees were still buzzing around. I dispersed the heart-shaped branch arrangement near the Straus Pines and pulled some flagging off a side trail. Some old white lady in a long coat stopped and told me she saw a winter wren and that last night there was a big owl in The Clove. I didn’t like her. I walked towards The Clove and heard the Great Horned Owl hooting. When I made it to the Clove trail I saw the owl fly south. I thought I saw someone with a flashlight in the Clove. This upset me too. I followed the owl south and found it perched above the Inwood stairs, southeast of Whale Back Rock. It swooped down to a few more perches and I followed by taking the stairs down towards Dyckman. It perched above the Payson Avenue nature building and swooped across Dyckman to one of the Riverside Drive buildings, where it perched again before nabbing a pigeon and flying back into Inwood Hill Park.